I struggle to imagine
The hell
That you
Have lived through.
You've fought battles
Not your own
Walked the line
Between good and evil.
Glimpsed faces,
With the hatred
That dwells within man
When only he
Allows it room
To fester and grow
Into something evil
Ferocious and ugly.
You wake up
Hoping, praying
It was all just
Another nightmare.
Truth is,
This is
Your reality.
The hell
That you
Have lived through.
You've fought battles
Not your own
Walked the line
Between good and evil.
Glimpsed faces,
With the hatred
That dwells within man
When only he
Allows it room
To fester and grow
Into something evil
Ferocious and ugly.
You wake up
Hoping, praying
It was all just
Another nightmare.
Truth is,
This is
Your reality.