Father, You formed every part of Ruth
And saw that it was good.
You knitted her
Alongside me
In our mother's womb.
I thank You Jesus
For you made Ruth;
Fearfully and wonderfully.
Your words spoke life into her body,
Formed perfectly,
Intricately crafted in Your hands.
Truly wonderful are Your works, oh God!
Ruth's life a reflection of this.
In the secret place
You created her for good works;
Her hands to bring forth new life
Her hands to bring forth new life
And her mouth to speak the Truth.
Compassion, love, kindness and gentleness,
Creativity, tenderness, strength and faithfulness,
Humour, generosity, wisdom and understanding
Intricately woven into her being
By You, her Creator.
You knew her days before she saw the light
Yesterday, today and tomorrow,
Each held in Your hands.
Your presence constant
Through them all.
Oh Lord!
How precious she is to You,
Your love towards her immeasurable,
Ruth, in Jesus
You are free to be all He created you to be.
Great are the works of Your hands, my God!