Monday, August 20, 2012


For an unending number of days
I have known an incompleteness.
Words and phrases fail to form a string of sentences,
My head is full of half-thought out ideas
Half empty pages are evidence of this.
My days are scarred with good intentions
Once thought,
Twice planned,
But never carried out.
Sometimes my work feels half done,
My imperfect humanness tells me, that's alright.
I don't believe it
But I don't do a thing to change it.

And stuck in this incomplete world
I am reminded of a completeness
That is simple,
Yet almost unthinkable,
Still, it is mine.
"Come to me"
Are the words engraved on the pages,
Spoken by the One I love.
How can I deny myself the joy of living this?
If I put my incomplete self in Him
There I will find completeness.
Complete peace.
Complete joy.
Complete freedom.
Complete love.
Complete forgiveness.
Complete grace.
And so,
I give my incomplete self completely to You.

Friday, July 20, 2012

"Do you love me?" He asked.

"Do you love Me enough to scale the highest heights and cover the deepest valleys with Me?
Do you love Me enough to set aside your pride and freely receive My grace?
Do you love Me enough to clothe the naked?
Do you love Me enough to show love to the unlovely?
Do you love Me enough to give with no expectations?
Do you love Me enough to forgive in an unforgiving world?
Do you love Me enough to bring all that you are and selflessly lay it at My feet,
That I might use it for My glory?
Do you love Me enough to hold onto My promises when you feel all is lost?
Do you love Me enough to fully know Me?
Do you love Me enough to make Me King of your life?

Do you truly love Me?" He asked.

Monday, June 18, 2012

There are good days coming,
They help turn these bleak hours into a world of colour
Full of endless possibilities.
I cannot help but smile at the thought of them.
This waiting is brimming with anticipation,
And every morning expectancy greets me.
To be with those you know best,
The ones you hold closest,
What a blessing.
Words are just not enough.
Chocolate Fudge CakeRooftop picnic :)

(via teapartyinboston, fromme-toyou)

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Thank you Rooie for finishing this off for me. Love you so.

Sometimes it gets hard to see You
These unanswered prayers weigh heavy on my heart.
The dark hour casts shadows on your face
Willing me to succumb,
To give up on the faith I so dearly cling to.
That is why I need you to keep me,
To hold me so that when I wander 
You will be close, wooing me back.
Amidst the doubt and confusion that so easily invades,
Let me hold tightly to your promise
That You will never leave me nor forsake me
So with confidence I may say
'The Lord is my helper, I will not fear.'

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Ruthy, I miss you.
I miss you more than words can say,
I miss you more than the distance that separates the two of us.
I miss coming home to a friendly face
And a high pitched 'cherry'!
I miss our afternoon coffees,
Two small cups are far better than one.
I miss your smile and your laugh.
I miss the silliness that is us.
Please come home quick.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

These days
Slowly monotonous,
It seems time is the only one changing.
This day grates against the next
Each as fragile as the one before,
We do not know when You will call us home.
So while we are here
In the spaces of life
You have so carefully ordained,
Would you give us, please
The grace to bear up under each one
And the patience to hold fast to You
The One whose constance we shall never grow weary of.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

So often I feel like I know You,
That I know who You are
Because of Your goodness and grace.
Your blessings show me that You are present
And that You are God of heaven and earth.
But when the blessings seem to dissipate
And Your silence becomes deafening,
When the unanswered prayers weigh heavy on my heart,
The dark hour casts shadows on Your face,
What then?
Can I still claim to serve a gracious Father?
Can I know without doubt that You still remain?
Can I give You praise when the darkness blinds me,
Waiting for my disbelief?

God, You are God
When the blessings surround me,
And God, You are God
When the goodness of your love
Is not so clearly evident to me.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Your little life
Was created, designed and knit together
By the greatest Craftsman.
It was done lovingly,
Attention was paid to the very last detail,
Without a doubt
You were perfect in His eyes.

But your breaths were numbered
And the hours were few,
Before you filled your lungs
For the very last time.
My questions unanswered
And the sadness in this heart unfamiliar.
I did not know your face
And it was not me who sat beside you,
Patiently waiting, hoping,
Lord, take him quickly
Or heal him now.
The voice of the sweetest girl I know
Sang over you,
Of a love both fierce and gentle.

Your mother loved you.
Her first child,
A boy.
And she grieves her loss,
The loss of being able to hold you,
To be loved by you
To touch you, feeling your warmth on her skin.
Her pain is great,
But her Creator is much more.
I pray your mum finds comfort
And the Love she longs for
In the Saviour of the world.
Let earth and heaven combine,
angels and men agree,
to praise in songs divine
the incarnate deity,
our God contracted to a span,
incomprehensibly made man.

Unsearchable the love
that has the Saviour brought;
the grace is far above
or man or angel's thought:
enough for us that God, we know,
our God, is manifest below.

He deigns in flesh to appear,
widest extremes to join;
to bring our vileness near
and make us all divine:
and we the life of God shall know,
for God is manifest below.

Made perfect first in love,
and sanctified by grace,
we shall from earth remove,
and see his glorious face:
then shall his love be fully showed,
and man shall then be lost in God.

Charles Wesley

Monday, February 20, 2012

"If human love does not carry a man beyond himself, it is not love. If love is always discreet, always wise, always sensible and calculating, never carried beyond itself, it is not love at all. It may be affection, it may be warmth of feeling, but it has not the true nature of love in it." Oswald Chambers

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Isaiah 40:25,26

To whom then will you compare me,
that I should be like him? says the
Holy One.
Lift up your eyes on high and see:
who created these?
He who brings out their host by number,
calling them by name,
by the greatness of his might,
and because he is strong in power
not one is missing.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

How quick we are to judge,
Too easily do our hands reach down for that stone to throw.
How unashamedly do we hold our neighbour up to the light,
Only to point out their flaws.
To think that this could be a remedy for our own shortcomings.
Or perhaps we might subdue our burning conscience
If we gloat over the failings of another.
How selfish and unfulfilling.
Our Father was broken when he saw our sins.
He came to make an unholy people holy once more.
He is the One who opens my eyes
He is the reason I can look at the one who stands beside me
And see a beautiful creation.